Everything’s Changing! Can You Feel It?

Looking up at blue sky through tree canopy

Happy 1st of May! What a fascinating year this has been so far…

Can you feel how different everything is now? Literally everything is changing.

Paul and I have been on the road — exploring western North Carolina, where we found a beautiful piece of land that’s going to become our new home, with streams and soooo many trees.

And now that we’re driving back to California, I am amazed by how different the world feels.

I can feel the shifts toward a more love-based reality … as the angels work their magic to help each and every one of us lean into and express our true essence.

Just yesterday, I was shown one of the great gifts of the pandemic: People have been returning to less congested, and even more rural areas. In America, so many people have left the big cities… Now that people are able to work from home, they no longer need to live right on top of each other … or suffer in traffic and long commutes.

Cities are a fascinating phenomenon. They create great stress on our beloved planet — and on plants, animals and people. They may feel “high energy,” but often that energy is frantic, frenetic, anxious and stressful.

In dramatic contrast: The angels are showing me a future in which more and more of us are being gently guided to places that will support us energetically — where we will flourish, so that we can be the unique contribution that we came to be … to the planet and to our communities.

Please don’t take this as pressure! You may be in exactly the right place for you, right now.

In fact, now, more than ever, it’s time to follow your own guidance.

And … if your guidance is calling you to explore new locations — or other types of new possibilities — please do follow the energy.

Your Powerful Focus

The angels want to remind all of us that it’s time to stop obsessing about — or even trying to figure out — the past … or the “problems.”

It’s very important now to focus on the present moment, without resistance. Because, in the present moment, we can see/hear/feel our guidance. And our guidance is calling us forward into the new.

So, do your best to stay present. Do your best to breathe. Allow. Be with what-is.

Do your best to tune in and follow your intuition and inspiration.

And it’s totally okay if your inspiration says “rest” or “just be.”

Everything really is unfolding in divine perfection. The New Reality is here, with us, right now. And it is gently attuning us to its higher frequency.

All we have to do is have hope, trust and be present. And then follow the inspiration to do whatever is ours to do, whether that’s starting a new business or emitting a particular vibrational frequency, like peace or joy or love.

In short: We’ve got this! We’re doing it! We ARE co-creating the New Reality!

(Photo by Chuttersnap via Unsplash)

Would You Like Some New Tools for Your Toolbox?

One of the side effects of this shift into a New Reality is that many of the tools and techniques, processes and practices that worked in the past are (eek!) no longer working…

So, if you would like some new tools for your toolbox…

Or if you’d like some help receiving guidance from your angels…

I was invited to be a speaker in a summit that’s starting tomorrow called Get Your Mojo Back: Reclaim Your Health, Ignite Your Intuition and Live a Life You Love!"

Courtney Parkinson, the creator of this summit, says, “What’s your mojo? Your mojo is your unique energy, your spark, your life force. It’s what makes you YOU!

“When your mojo is flowing, you feel radiant and youthful, your creativity is on fire, money flows easily, and people are magnetically drawn to you. Everything seems brighter and you feel like you’re surrounded by infinite possibility.

“When was the last time you felt that way?”

I am honored to be part of an international group of experts for her second annual transformative FREE Online Series. (You can’t beat the price, right?!) 

Register 100% free by clicking this link!

Sue Elliott

My Angel Coach Founder, Sue Elliott, is here to help people transition out of the old FEAR-based reality filled with stress, anxiety and shame … into a new LOVE-based reality filled with compassion, collaboration and abundance.

Angel Coaching is Sue’s own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the angels.

(Use the button above to schedule a free Angel Coaching discovery session with Sue.)


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